Imperial College London is a world class university focussed onto science, engineering and medicine.  Energy research is led through the Energy Futures Lab, with around 600 full time researchers and faculty engaged in addressing the energy challenge.  Two of the research networks within the Energy Futures Lab are of direct relevance to this proposal, fuel cells, and smart energy networks. Imperial will lead WP5 and be responsible for task 5.4 – analysis of the economic and environmental implications of micro-CHP deployment within Member States participating in the programme, with particular reference to its interaction and impact on electrical network systems.

What we do

Imperial embodies and delivers world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering, medicine and business, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. We foster interdisciplinary working internally and collaborate widely externally.

The Control and Power group at Imperial has a long track and outstanding record of research and innovation in the field of Energy Systems which include investigation of innovative concepts, technologies, and software and hardware applications to achieve cost effective integration of distributed energy resources into operation and development of future electricity systems. The group has also provided leadership in the area of market, economics and regulatory aspects of future energy systems.

The Energy Futures Lab builds on the high-quality research across Imperial in areas including energy efficiency, nuclear power, renewable energy, transport, electrical networks, economics and policy development.

Our role in the ene.field project

Imperial is the leader of the Commercialisation Framework Work Package and are responsible for analysis of the overall macroeconomic and macroenvironmental implications of widespread rollout of fuel cell micro-CHP within Member States participating in the project, with particular reference to its interaction and impact on electrical network systems.


Mr Predrag Djapic