Ballard is a joint venture between Ballard Power Systems Inc., Danfoss A/S and Dantherm A/S. The partners bring extensive expertise in fuel cells and other clean energy solutions that will accelerate development of fuel cell markets across Europe. Ballard is a system integrator that develops clean energy backup power systems, utilizing Ballard Power Systems’ hydrogen fuel cell technology in telecommunications for telecom suppliers including Motorola and Ericsson. Ballard also develops combined heat and power systems based on different fuel cell technologies: PEM and SOFC. Fuel cell stacks are supplied from different venders. Ballrd is an international enabler when it comes to the commercial application of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Our fuel cell based power solutions are found inside IT and telecom network base stations all over the world and combined heat and power systems are now introduced to early adapters. In 2005 Ballard introduced its first backup power units driven by fuel cells, offering a commercially and environmentally viable alternative to diesel generators and battery backup units.

What we do

Ballard has been working in the area of PEM fuel cell systems based on reformed fuels since for more than 10 years. In particular, we have been implementing a number of projects at national and international level that have been playing a very relevant role in the development and demonstration of the technology. In the partly public funded DK?CHP project started in 2006 we have operated 20 micro-CHP units for more than one year and 100.000 accumulated hours. We are involved in both Danish and international research initiatives within hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and are determined to stay at the absolute forefront, ready to introduce a reliable solution whenever hydrogen and fuel cells prove to be a commercially and environmentally viable alternative to traditional energy supply.

Our role in the ene.field project

In the ene.field project Ballard will manufacture and deploy mCHP systems utilizing Ballard Power Systems PEM technology. Ballard will thus be system integrator for both PEM and SOFC based systems. For the PEM systems stacks will be supplied from Ballard Power Systems. For the SOFC systems integrated stack modules with reformer will be supplied as PowerCores from Topsoe Fuel Cell and as HoTbox from SOFC Power/HT Ceramix. System integration will be done by Dantherm Power. Dantherm Power will supply the units to utility companies and support the installation and service at the end users.


Ms. Kristina F. Juelsgaard


Project Manager:

Mr. Alan Menard


Please note it can take up to 3 weeks for us to process your request and get back to you. Thank you in advance for your patience.

Express Interest

Please contact Solid Power in your country and check the questionnaire below to see if you match the requirements. It would be useful if you could send us an email with the information below so that your contact point can already have this information at hand when they contact you:

  • Select which best describes you, or the organisation considering purchasing a fuel cell mCHP?

Options: Residential / Business / Governmental organisation / non-profit organisation / Other

  • When would you need the system to be installed in your house?

Options: Urgently / In the next 6 months / I don’t mind.  (Please note that installation cannot be organised for emergency replacement of your current heating system as the arrangement for installing our systems could take some time.)

  • Do you have an electricity and gas connection in your building?

Options: YES / NO Installation cannot be organised in building with no electricity or gas connection as both are required for the system to be able to operate.

  • Do you have 600 x 600 x 1800 mm of clear space to install the fuel cell mCHP? 

Options: YES / NO

  • If you know it, please specify your heat consumption (and metric for measurement) over the last year  (you can find this information on your utility bill).

Options:  measurement / I don’t know

  • Are you able to make a financial contribution?

Options: YES / NO

A financial contribution will be required to have one of our system installed. The national contact point will be able to provide additional information on the financial contribution required.

Model from Dantherm Power: PEMmCHP G5
