Fuel cell mCHPs from SOLIDpower, Elcore, Hexis and RBZ are available for field trials in Italy. (click on the manufacturer´s names for detailed information).
We would need you to provide some basic information about the building where the CHP system will be installed to understand if our heating systems would be suitable for you. Please have a look at the short checklist below. It will take only 3 minutes.
Checklist – Important prerequisites for the installation of a fuel cell mCHP! Those interested in a Fuel cell mCHP should consider several aspects in advance:
•Installation cannot be organised for emergency replacement of your current heating system.
•The building should have a main gas connection.
•The building should have a central heating system.
•The building should be connected to the electricity grid.
•The building should have an internet connection.
You can find more information in Italian here: InfoPack_IT
Fuel cells mCHP showcase in Lombardy region, Italy
The Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Monza identified as a trial field, the Royal Villa (Italian: Villa Reale) in Monza. The Royal Villa is a historical building in Monza, Northern Italy. Nowadays, the building hosts exhibitions and since 2011, the complex houses offices from 4 ministries (Economy and Finance, Reforms, Simplifications, and Tourism).
The municipality and the region chose the fuel cell mCHP technology as an alternative sustainable solution for a building which aims to achieve energy efficiency while preserving its artistic characteristics.
The exercise is part of the project REAL-FC (Residential Application of Fuel Cell systems in Lombardy) which installs two cogeneration systems, one in a real operating environment and the other in the laboratory, to evaluate the effective competitiveness of technology.
The second CHP system has been installed at the laboratory of the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano to compare the system’s performance with the one installed at the Villa Reale.
The project started in July 2010 and has a duration of 60 months. The objectives of the project are to assess the maturity of the technology (technology Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell) and determine the costs of investment and operation. The overall aim is to verify the conditions that make this technology competitive to promote the development of the sector in the Lombardy region.
Energy system in the Trentino province and regional incentives for energy efficiency
“A Cogeneration Island” in Roncegno Terme
A fuel cell ?CHP is currently operating in Valsugana (Roncegno Terme) supplying both thermal and electrical energy to a municipal storehouse. The project started in 2009, when the municipality of Roncegno Terme decided to investigate the possibility of integrating different cogeneration systems into the power grid.
A micro-cogeneration plant with a power output of 6 kW thermal and 3 kW electric was built in autumn-winter 2011 involving mainly local companies.
This mobile system produces both thermal energy and electrical energy:
Sport centre of Borgo Valsugana
Two micro-cogeneration plants based on the solid oxide fuel cell technology (SOFC), producing both electricity and heat have been installed in 2013. The plants are located at the Sports and Vocational Training Centre of Borgo Valsugana.
Reference: SOLIDpower, Rete Crisalide, Piano energetico-ambiantale provinciale 2013-2020, Regione Lombardia