The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is one of Europe’s foremost technical universities. DTU is a self-governing university that covers most engineering disciplines and educates engineers at the Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. The university has approximately 5000 employees, more than half are researchers, including 1300 Ph.D. students, and in addition 7600 bachelor and master students. The research at DTU Risø Campus has since the 1980’s been focused on sustainable energy. Department of Energy Conversion and Storage is situated mainly on DTU Risø Campus and is widely acknowledged as one of the world leaders within R&D and testing of solid oxide fuel cells. It builds on world class expertise in fuel cells (solid oxide fuel cells and polymer electrolyte fuel cells), electrolysis cells, polymer solar cells, batteries, hydrogen storage and related technologies. The department has approximately 250 employees of which more than half are mainly working on fuel cells and electrolysis. In 2010, the division launched a commercial test center, FCH Test Center, which supports industry with testing, training and consultancy within fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. DTU facilities include a pilot production line for fuel cells and a test laboratory of more than 500 m2. DTU will lead WP3 Analysis involving support arrangements, barriers analyses and the utility working group.
What we do
The department has been involved in fuel cell activities since 1987. The research group is widely acknowledged as one of the world leaders within R&D and testing of SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) and SOECs (solid oxide electrolysis cells). DTU Energy Conversion facilities include a production line with a capacity of several tens of thousands of cells per year. The testing facilities include 25 test stations for testing SOFC single cells or stacks.
Our role in the ene.field project
DTU Energy Conversion is the work package leader of the Analysis work package and a partner in the Data Collection work package. Furthermore, DTU is a member of the steering committee. We will as the work package leader play a role as the responsible partner for all work tasks in the analysis work package, with the following main topics: field support arrangements, non-economic barriers, lifecycle cost assessment, environmental lifecycle assessment, utility working group as well as regulation, codes and standards working group.
Mr Carsten Brorson Prag