The ene.field national dissemination workshop for Belgium, held on the 27th of September near Brussels, was the second in a series of events aimed at informing participants about the ene.field project findings and the potential of fuel cell micro-CHP (FC micro-CHP) technologies for the energy transition at national level. As of today 21 fuel cell micro-CHP units have been installed in Belgium with financial support from ene.field. The recently launched PACE project[1], which is expected to provide a step-up in ambition for the large scale uptake of fuel cell micro-CHP products in Europe, will allow for the further deployment of more than 2,500 units across Europe, including Belgium.
During the workshop prominent speakers[2] representing the European Commission, the fuel cells micro-CHP industry and industry associations delivered valuable insights into the potential for fuel cell micro-CHP, providing recommendations on how to develop the market for these products in Belgium.
During the discussion, moderated by Mr. Jon Jordan (Hyer), the panellists highlighted the multiple benefits of fuel cells micro-CHP energy solutions, empowering householders to play an active role in the energy transition, supporting the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources and contributing to stimulate growth and jobs in Europe.
They further concluded that for a successful mass commercialisation of fuel cell micro-CHP, industry efforts need to be complemented by high level political commitment and active involvement in promoting these products as key technologies in the energy system of the future. Recommendations addressed at policymakers in Belgium covered the need for adequate support for micro-CHP technologies, which reflect the energy savings and emission reductions delivered by these products, while addressing administrative and non-economic barriers. Moreover, public authorities can play an exemplary role by adopting some of these new technologies in their own buildings, as promoted in the Energy Efficiency Directive.
To get the full story, please watch the video below, with interviews by Mr. Bart Biebuyck (Executive Director, FCH JU) and Jan-Willem Tolkamp (Benelux Manager, SOLIDpower):
Please click here to download the document with the findings and policy recommendations from the workshop.
Please click here to read the press release in PDF.
[1] Co-funded by the FCH JU and industry the PACE project was launched in June 2016 and aims to deploy over 2500 fuel cell micro-CHPs in several European countries in the next five years. Building up on ene.field project experience, PACE will help develop the market for the large scale uptake of fuel cell micro-CHP.
[2] The event featured the following speakers: Mr. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, Ms. Alexandra Tudoroiu-Lakavice, coordinator of the Micro-CHP and of the Fuel Cell Working Groups, COGEN Europe, Mr. Jan-Willem Tolkamp, Sales and Business Development Manager Benelux-UK, SOLIDpower, Ms. Joni Rossi, Technical & Scientific Officer, COGEN Vlaanderen, Mr. Christophe Van den Eynde, Viessmann, and Mr. Bjorn Van Haver, CEO, Spirit Group.