ene.field project participation at Hannover Messe 2016
ene.field project presents new insights at this year’s Hannover Messe, as part of the Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Batteries Group Exhibit.
An in-depth interview with Alexander Dauensteiner (Vaillant Group/ene.field partner), during the Group Exhibit’s Public Forum, revealed how fuel cell micro-CHP empowers small energy consumers to efficiently produce their own low emissions electricity and heat. The ene.field project, Europe’s large scale fuel cell micro-CHP field trial, brings together 26 partners, including 9 manufacturers, committed to develop the markets for fuel cell micro-CHP technologies across Europe.
As part of the Group Exhibit Technical Forum, Eva Ravn Nielsen (DTU/ene.field partner) provided an overview of the ene.field project and introduced the interim report on Non-Economic Barriers for large scale deployment of fuel cell micro-CHP. The preliminary results point to regulatory and standardization hurdles for fuel cell micro-CHP, as well as the need for more high level political recognition of fuel cell micro-CHP at both EU and national levels. The full report will be finalized and published by the end of this year.
The Hannover Messe audience showed great interest in the latest fuel cell mCHP-technology developments. Today fuel cell micro-CHP technologies are ready to enter people’s homes, as long as non-technological barriers are addressed (increasing scale and reducing administrative hurdles). In order to realise the potential of fuel cell micro-CHP, there is a need for a clear strategy vision on policy and market development, which ene.field can help achieve.
ene.field is a Europe wide project co-funded by the European Union funding programme Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), and FC micro-CHP manufacturers and will install up to 1000 fuel cell micro-CHP units across Europe.
To download the newsflash in pdf, please click here: Newsflash-N7_Hannover Fair 2016_final
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